Centre St in Brookline
Click on a property below to view additional details.
Affordable Housing Units (Greater Than 50% Of The Units Qualify) - 103 CENTRE ST 103
Residential Condominium - 105 CENTRE ST 105
Residential Condominium - 107A CENTRE ST 107A
Residential Condominium - 107B CENTRE ST 107B
Residential Condominium - 108 CENTRE ST
Rooming And Boarding Houses - 109A CENTRE ST 109A
Residential Condominium - 109B CENTRE ST 109B
Residential Condominium - 111A CENTRE ST 111A & G7
Residential Condominium - 111B CENTRE ST 111B & G8
Residential Condominium - 113A CENTRE ST 113A
Residential Condominium - 113B CENTRE ST 113B
Residential Condominium - 12 24 CENTRE ST
Improved, Selectmen Or City Council (Municipal) - 120 130 CENTRE ST
Affordable Housing Units (Greater Than 50% Of The Units Qualify) - 121 CENTRE ST 201 G17-18
Residential Condominium - 121 CENTRE ST 202 & G7
Residential Condominium - 121 CENTRE ST 203 G11-13
Residential Condominium - 121 CENTRE ST 301 & G4-5
Residential Condominium - 121 CENTRE ST 302 & G1
Residential Condominium - 121 CENTRE ST 303 & G8-9
Residential Condominium - 121 CENTRE ST GARAGE 10
Condominium - 121 CENTRE ST GARAGE 12
Condominium - 121 CENTRE ST PH1 & G2-3
Residential Condominium - 121 CENTRE ST PH2 G14-15
Residential Condominium - 121 CENTRE ST PH3 G6-16
Residential Condominium - 123 CENTRE ST
Two-Family Residential - 129 CENTRE ST
Single Family Residential - 25 39 CENTRE ST
Improved, Selectmen Or City Council (Municipal) - 30 CENTRE ST
Rooming And Boarding Houses - 32 CENTRE ST
Rooming And Boarding Houses - 34 CENTRE ST
Rooming And Boarding Houses - 40 CENTRE ST
Mixed Use (Primarily Residential, Some Commercial) - 41 CENTRE ST 101
Residential Condominium - 41 CENTRE ST 102 & P102
Residential Condominium - 41 CENTRE ST 103
Residential Condominium - 41 CENTRE ST 104 & P104-33
Residential Condominium - 41 CENTRE ST 105
Residential Condominium - 41 CENTRE ST 106 & P106
Residential Condominium - 41 CENTRE ST 201
Residential Condominium - 41 CENTRE ST 202 & P202
Residential Condominium - 41 CENTRE ST 203 & P203
Residential Condominium - 41 CENTRE ST 204
Residential Condominium - 41 CENTRE ST 205 & P34
Residential Condominium - 41 CENTRE ST 206
Residential Condominium - 41 CENTRE ST 207 & P207-P35
Residential Condominium - 41 CENTRE ST 208 & P208
Residential Condominium - 41 CENTRE ST 301 & P301
Residential Condominium - 41 CENTRE ST 302 302&32
Residential Condominium - 41 CENTRE ST 303 41&303
Residential Condominium - 41 CENTRE ST 304
Residential Condominium - 41 CENTRE ST 305
Residential Condominium - 41 CENTRE ST 306 & P306-P37
Residential Condominium - 41 CENTRE ST 307
Residential Condominium - 41 CENTRE ST 308
Residential Condominium - 41 CENTRE ST 401 & P401
Residential Condominium - 41 CENTRE ST 402 P40&P402
Residential Condominium - 41 CENTRE ST 403 & P403&42
Residential Condominium - 41 CENTRE ST 404
Residential Condominium - 41 CENTRE ST 405
Residential Condominium - 41 CENTRE ST 406
Residential Condominium - 41 CENTRE ST 407
Residential Condominium - 41 CENTRE ST 408
Residential Condominium - 50 CENTRE ST 2
Residential Condominium - 51 CENTRE ST
Two-Family Residential - 53 CENTRE ST
Single Family Residential - 61 CENTRE ST
Single Family Residential - 62 CENTRE ST
Three-Family Residential - 69 CENTRE ST 1 & P3-4
Residential Condominium - 70 CENTRE ST
Apartments With More Than Eight Units - 75 CENTRE ST
Single Family Residential - 85 CENTRE ST 3
Residential Condominium - 87 CENTRE ST 2 & P2
Residential Condominium - 89 CENTRE ST 1 P1&13
Residential Condominium - 93 CENTRE ST 1
Residential Condominium - 93 CENTRE ST 2
Residential Condominium - 93 CENTRE ST 3
Residential Condominium - 95 CENTRE ST 1
Residential Condominium - 95 CENTRE ST 2
Residential Condominium - 95 CENTRE ST 3
Residential Condominium - 97 CENTRE ST
Three-Family Residential